Monday, October 11, 2010

Blog 10 - Design Synthesis

I have found this design context an interesting course as a first year designer as I have found that the continuous pattern of design trends and ideas is like a swinging pendulum, and to understand where we will be going as designers we need to know the history of where the pendulum has been during dramatic and influential design movements such as the Bauhaus, Rococo and other design movements. With the knowledge of the context of design, it helps upcoming designers such as us as students to follow this trend of the influences and historical movements.

In the course we see the different motives behind historic design where it may be ornamental, for the customer, for a country or even used in politics.

Hopefully with the understanding of the past movements of design history it will help shape the design future to be better and stronger designs and bring through strong designers that have this knowledge of what works and what doesn’t.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Postmodernism and the "remix"

A vibrant part of design culture today is a mix from past design periods. For example, this table lamp designed by Mario Botta is a remarkable design where through the use of innovation; the light is able to emit different patterns of light due to small movements of the lamp and twisting the lampshade. The design seen here is similar to the geometrical and simpleness of modern design whilst given a remake with patterns and the hidden ability to move and change. The lamp has an unnecessary design of black and white stripes and changing of direction on the lamp itself bringing forward the unnecessary decoration that many design critiques have debated against in past design eras. Although looking simple, the historical quotation of this design adds more value than the original design itself. The lamp can almost be seen as ironic imitation of work around the Bauhaus time with its similar shape and structure.